Blue Mackerel Scomber australasicus, New Zealand - Pacific mackerel, Southern mackerel, Japan - Saba, France -Maquereau austral, Germany - Mittelmeer-Makrele, Italy - Maccerello, Sgombro, Spain - Caballa, USSR - Skumbriya Average length 10-14 inches, average weight 3-4 pounds. Widely distributed in temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean. Blue green above with a pattern of dark oblique wavy lines. Sides and belly silvery white with rows of dark spots along sides under the lateral line. The two dorsal fins are widely separated. Widespread around the North Island and northern South Island. Present, often in considerable abundance, throughout the year. Pelagic. Caught by purse: seine. A moderate resource.
Flesh dark, forms medium flakes. High fat content. |